

Category: Food Culture

Food Culture
K-pop Idol Extreme Diet

If you are interested in Korean pop culture, you will know that being a K-pop Idol is not easy. The nation is strict on the

Semua Kolesterol Tak Baik Untuk Badan, Betul Ke?

Menurut Tinjauan Kebangsaan Kesihatan dan Morbiditi (NHMS) 2019, seramai 4 orang dalam setiap 10 orang atau seramai 8 juta orang rakyat Malaysia mengalami masalah kolesterol

Should I Follow a Keto Diet to Lose Weight?

The ketogenic diet, often referred to as the keto diet, has gained popularity as a weight loss strategy in recent years. It’s a low-carbohydrate, high-fat

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