I joined Diet Ideas after being referred by a doctor from a clinic. Growing up, I hated taking medications, and I believe many people can relate to that. When I turned 30 last year, I made a habit of doing a medical check-up once a year. During my first check-up, I was shocked to see my total cholesterol level at 8 mmol/L and my bad cholesterol almost at 5 mmol/L (I can’t remember the exact reading). The doctor’s reaction scared me, and she wanted to start me on cholesterol medication. I refused, so she referred me to Diet Ideas.
I read information online and tried various methods to reverse my condition. I starved myself, avoided rice, and cut my sugar intake. However, these changes left me feeling low in energy and often moody. Then, I saw a Diet Ideas advertisement on Facebook and decided to give them a try. With their guidance, I was able to eat everything I love, lose weight, and eventually stop my diabetes medication, as confirmed by my doctor.
Since then, I have referred seven of my family members to join Diet Ideas because I believe in their approach. I want to express my special gratitude to Diet Ideas’ founder, Ms. Fara, the young and inspiring lady who has built Diet Ideas into what it is today. Malaysia needs amazing leaders and business people like her. I will always support Diet Ideas and cheer for their success.