Enjoy a Wonderful Raya, Eat Smart and Do Not Restrict Your Diet during Hari Raya

After a month long of Ramadhan fasting, celebration is finally due and it comes in the form of the greatly-festive Hari Raya Aidilfitri. This celebration is not just culturally festive but also religiously significant in Islam. It is reflected in the various prophetic traditions that specifically recommend or instruct the usage of perfume, the adornment of the best attire and the congratulating of others for their month-long fight against their natural desire.

While a special feast is to be expected across all cultures, Malaysians take it to a greater and longer extent. Open houses may open up to 7 days, some even for the whole month. The feast ranges from lontong, ketupat with rendang, nasi impit with kuah kacang and more. Sweet drinks such as air sirap are compulsory, as well as biscuits, pastries and other snack of multiple choices. Whatever it is, all of these are laden with carbohydrates.

For those with diabetes, navigating through the plethora of high-carbohydrate foods is a nightmare for their blood sugar control. It is significantly understandable that the temptations are high. Socially and psychologically, to retract from these communal feasts will be a let down for everyone involved.

However the options are, people with diabetes should not be anxious or to abstain themselves from celebrating the wonderful occasion together. For the main meals, protein options are typically available such as ayam masak merah, daging rendang and so on. You may load up on these sources to ensure satiety and therefore to avoid the self from overeating or reaching out for more snacks – but beware to control the fatty and oily gravy.

Depending the on the house, fiber options are also available in the form of fruit platters, or vegetables in the form of kuah lodeh of lontong, and some may even vegetables such as cucumber or ulams on the side as accompaniment to heavier meals. 

Despite all of the precautions, the celebration of Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Malaysia is not a celebration without the indulgence of the biskut raya. Technically, one could limit themselves to an appropriate portion for their blood sugar control, but we dietitians know that life isn’t just about longevity and health. It’s also importantly about love, relationships, family and enjoyment!

As with other things in life, some decisions are about giving and taking. And celebrating Hari Raya with a grand and communal feast is no exception. For all the remaining days one have in a year, excuse yourself momentarily for a few days Hari Raya Aidilfitri and just enjoy the feast, however you may like it.

But of course, even in letting yourself loose, some boundaries have to be set lest you let yourself loose to the point of no return. Use those extra calories and energy for some walking evening session in the park with your loved ones. Take a walk from an open house to another instead of using a car, provided that it’s within an acceptable distance of a common village setting. Load up on the protein to give some good recovery for your body. And most importantly, limit yourself to at most 3 day of feasting and keep your heads up for the longer term of your health by resuming your diet afterward. 

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