“I lost 3kg in 30 days”

Hi, Happy New Year to the entire Diet Ideas Community, and thank you to the Diet Ideas team for featuring my story! My name is T, and I am a 38-year-old woman. I joined Diet Ideas because I wanted to lose weight and improve my overall health with the help of dietitians.  

Diet Ideas came to my attention when they hosted an event at my workplace. At the time, I was already considering joining a diet program with another company. However, during the event, I was so impressed by the founder’s attitude and humility that I decided to ask her about the Diet Ideas program. Her response convinced me of the program’s value and her team’s capabilities. As a result, I decided to make a payment on the spot.  

After just one month of joining Diet Ideas, I managed to lose 3 kg in 30 days! Honestly, I didn’t expect this—I thought I could only lose 1 kg in a month. But I exceeded my expectations and am completely satisfied with the service provided by the dietitians at Diet Ideas.  

My dietitian taught me how to understand my personal nutrition formula. From there, I learned how to eat anything I want while managing my protein, fat, and carbohydrate portions in my daily meals. I thought this approach was impossible, but my weighing scale proves otherwise!  

Thank you so much, Diet Ideas!

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