Myth or Fact: The Truth About Gluten and PCOS

PSOS aka polycystic ovary syndrome is a rapidly spreading health issue that affects 8-13% of the women of reproductive age. In 70% of the cases, this disease is not diagnosed well. It is high time to address all the possible factors that cause PCOS. Gluten is suspected to be one of them. So before diving into the connection between gluten and PCOS, let’s discuss both terms first.

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a class of proteins called gluten is present in some cereals, including rye, barley, and wheat. It is frequently used in baking since it is essential in giving dough its elasticity and assisting it in rising and keeping its shape. 

Gliadin and glutenin are the two primary proteins found in gluten. While glutenin adds to the dough’s flexibility, gliadin allows the dough to rise. Some researchers report that amylase and trypsin inhibitors are present in gluten products. These can also activate symptoms of gluten intolerance (1).

Certain individuals, such as those with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, respond negatively to gluten. In these situations, ingesting gluten may result in various symptoms, ranging from gastrointestinal distress to more significant medical concerns. GIT distress includes abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea. The majority of people can effortlessly digest gluten.  

What is PCOS?

Women who suffer from PCOS have hormonal imbalances and they are not able to ovulate normally. They have elevated levels of androgens and testosterone. On ultrasonic evaluation, small cysts can be seen on ovaries. It results in amenorrhea (Irregular period cycle), acne, weight gain, infertility, hirsutism, hair fall and, excessive hair growth. 

This condition causes young girls and women to pass through severe mental distress. At a young age, girls find it depressing to suffer from acne and manly hair growth on the face. While married women find it traumatic when they fail to conceive because of PCOS.

Besides fertility issues, women suffering from PCOS are also more prone to diabetes and heart issues. PCOS also triggers mental health problems like disordered eating, anxiety, and depression.


Why is gluten suspected to be a victim?

If you are sensitive to gluten then it can evoke inflammation inside your body that disturbs your body’s normal functioning. These leads to increased stress levels in the form of cortisol. It can cause insulin sensitivity and hypothyroidism as well. All these health issues are the root cause of PCOS.

Therefore, people assume that eliminating gluten from their diet can help them to escape from PCOS. Little did they know that gluten only harms if they are sensitive to it. Non-celiac gluten-sensitive patients can experience the symptoms flare up within hours or may not have it even after a day or two. The symptoms are subdivided as:



Skin problem

Bloating (gluten belly)

Brain fog (concentration issue)

Skin rash

Abdominal pain










Myth: Gluten directly causes or worsens PCOS.


It is a misconception that intake of gluten can aggravate symptoms of PCOS. It can only happen when the person is sensitive to gluten. In this condition, inflammation and insulin resistance can get hyped. Otherwise, gluten is safe for use.

Myth: A gluten-free diet helps in weight loss.


Weight loss occurs when a person is on a calorie-deficit diet or is doing an intense workout. Besides, these functional foods work a bit but claiming that exclusion of gluten from diet is faux. PCOS patients can lose weight by reducing amount of daily carbohydrates especially simple carbohydrates. Since these can cause spikes in blood sugar levels. Brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat are safe for use in controlled portions.

It is proven through a clinical trial performed in 2019 that a low-carbohydrate and low-fat diet can help in the treatment of PCOS and these patients can also reduce weight (2).

Myth: There is an association between PCOS and gluten-relevant diseases.


Gluten intolerance is observed in celiac disease patients. The immune system of these patients detect gluten as a harmful foreign body. So, the body’s defense mechanism is activated and it responds to it by making antibodies. Thus, it causes inflammation. There is no direct association between PCOS and gluten-relevant diseases. However, it is found that women with celiac disease have more chances of getting affected by PCOS (3).

Takeaway note:

Don’t trust everything that you see on your timeline! 

Only rely on authentic sources. PCOS is a manageable disease and you can eat almost everything but in allowed servings.

If you are still ambiguous about the truth of PCOS and Gluten then send us a query. You can also consult our Dietitian if you want to identify your food intolerances. Moreover, our health panel provides super-effective diet plans for PCOS patients. You can register for our Diet Program through this link.

Stay healthy and enjoy all the food!

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